Join Kingdom Prophecy

Have you ever desired to see visions and dreams from the Holy Spirit? Have you ever desired to hear the voice of God in order to know which way to go in life? Have you ever had a passion to be in direct communication with the Spirit of Jesus and understand the deeper mysteries of His word? If you desire to walk in the blessing of supernatural communication with God, this book is a wonderful gift for you to explore what He has for you.

Exploring the gifts of prophecy is a very exciting, thrilling, and powerful experience. Seeing manifestations of the Holy Spirit, hearing His voice, and receiving discernment are all gifts that are available to you!

The Spirit of God is moving in a very special way in this generation and it is up to you to make sure you receive what’s destined for you. The glory of God is being poured out all over the globe and God is testifying of His soon return by the manifestations of prophecy.

In this book, Jimmy “The Christian” Griffith provides insight into the realm of prophecy and gives keys to understanding the important role of spiritual sight in the 21st Century.

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