Creating Your Future through Kingdom Speaking

God Has Given You Power Through Your Words

You have the power to create things with your words. The Most High God placed this power within you at the same moment He placed within you a spirit and soul. You have the ability to create life and death with your words. You have been ordained of God to establish His Kingdom within the earth using your words. Jesus Christ has taught us that our words have the power to heal, the power to save, the power to create prosperity, and the power to release blessings!

Your words have power!

Your imagination has power!

Your creativity is power!

It is absolutely essential to learn the value and the authority that rests within you. Understanding the power of your words in this world will help you to know the importance of being clear about what you speak. When you understand the power of your words, you won’t curse because your words are creating your reality. When you understand the power of your words you will not speak any form of negativity over your children. When you understand the power of your words you will never say “I Can’t.” When you understand the force of your words you will use those words to reach heaven by calling upon the name of Jesus. You will realize that every idle word that you speak will be heard by God and repeated in the realm of heaven.

Your words will become material. Your life is a result of the words you know, the words your understand, and the words you have spoken over yourself. If you make the decision today to speak the Word of God and declare the authoritative words of the Bible, you will grow supernaturally and successfully. Your words are the essential element of who you are and what you become and who your family is and what your family will become. 

Harness the power of your words today. Speak with Kingdom Light! Speak with Kingdom Authority. Release the divine power into your existence. Release glorious words in prayer and you will see the light of heaven respond. God Himself will reward you because He honors the words that we speak. He formed the entire world to be based around what you think, what you plan, and what you speak. Speak with Power, Life, and Supernatural Blessings in mind.

References: Matthew 12:36-37, Proverbs 18:21, Ezekiel 36:1-25, Mark 11:23, John 1:1,14

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